Team News

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View Summer 2024 Season


We are well into the Summer 2024 and everyone seems to be having a great time competing and meeting new players. As of July 25th, Jason Jing is leading the Open Division, Ruben Puebla is leading the A/Elite Division and Gaby Corral is leading the B/C Division.Click here to view
View Winter 2024 Results


The 2024 Winter League is complete.  The results of the three Divisions for Regular League Play were:W24 B/C Division - Hamid Abbaspour ChampionW24 A/Elite Division  Ashish A Prasad ChampionW24 Open Division   Jason Jing and Chris Turner Co-ChampionsThe results for the W24 Open
View Winter 2024 League Begins February 5th


The South Orange County Racquetball League is ready to begin play for the 2024 Winter Season. This season, players will compete in 3 Open, A/Elite and B/C Divisions. For more information navigate to our League website for the South Orange County Racquetball League.
View 2024 Winter League Registration is Open


Happy New Year Fellow Racquetballers.  The South Orange County Racquetball League is excited to begin the 2024 Winter League.  This will be our third league, and this time we are offering multiple divisions.  To learn more and to Register please follow the link to our website
View South Orange County Racquetball League Website is Now Operational


For complete league details including announcements, player registration, and upcoming events, visit
View Summer League Starts July 10


More than 25 people have expressed interest in our Racquetball League.  Many have expressed an interest in Doubles.  To begin our League program we will kick-off with a 7 week league and a single elimination tournament for 8 players. Shortly after the initial league begins, we plan to start a doubles league.  Stay tuned for updates in the next few weeks.